Student Leader Elections Home Page Header

Ready to elevate your college journey?

Apply now to uncover the amazing things your FULL potential can bring to you and your peers!

Together We CanBeing a student leader in ASI, the U-SU, or Senate means you are part of a dedicated team that works as partners, bringing students, faculty, and staff together to improve Cal State LA.
Cultivate CommunityEmbrace the next stage of your life and be involved on campus! Impact your community by advocating for student needs and serving as the voice of the student body.
Ignite ChangeBe the force behind positive change within our campus community.
Own It
Welcome to the most exciting opportunity on campus! Your college adventure is already awesome, but we believe you’re ready to take it to the next level with us at Associated Students, Inc., the University-Student Union, and Academic Senate! This is your chance to gain invaluable skills and experience while making a positive impact that resonates across campus. You already have what it takes... Own it!
own it with eddie the eagle
Election Events
Application Deadline
Sunday, March 2@Main Walkway Salazar
Please complete your application by this date.
Candidate Campaign Week
Monday, April 7 - Friday, April 11@Campus-wide
Meet the candidates representing you at Cal State LA. Discover their ideas, ask questions, and learn about their passions for our community. Join us to find the best representative for your student voice.
Voting Day 1
Tuesday, April 1511:00 AM@U-SU Plaza
Your Voice, Your Vote! Vote online for your student representatives through the Cal State LA GET System. Check your Cal State LA email for more details regarding the ASI General Election.
Voting Day 2
Wednesday, April 1611:00 AM@U-SU Plaza
Your Voice, Your Vote! Vote online for your student representatives through the Cal State LA GET System. Check your Cal State LA email for more details regarding the ASI General Election.
Election Results Announcement
Tuesday, April 221:00 PM@U-SU Plaza
Join us at the U-SU plaza for our election announcement. Come meet your new representatives for the 2025 – 2026 academic year!

5154 State University Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 343-2465